Posted by: ButterflyMoms | July 13, 2010

Tripping Over Your Very Own Personal OBSTACLES…

Hello Beautiful ButterflyMoms,

Use your Child Energy for This! HAVE FUN!

Today we are going to get rid of some of your OBSTACLES, things that keep you back, keep you small, oftentimes without you ever knowing it. In our ButterflyMoms workshops I LOVE seeing that AHA! MOMENT when participants realize the simple tools around each one of us! It’s incredibly fulfilling!

One of my favorite LIFE-FILLING exercises to with people is one I want to share with you! YAY! Get a piece of paper and write down WHAT OBSTACLES ARE KEEPING YOU FROM YOUR DREAM LIFE. Start with these phrases…

“As soon as ____________ happens then I will live my DREAM LIFE.”


“When ____________ happens then I will live my DREAM LIFE.”

Write as many or as little as you want. Mine was 22 entries. You will get a lot if you just take a few minutes to SEE WHAT YOU CANNOT SEE RIGHT NOW BUT THAT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES.

The second step is that if you feel comfortable share them with the rest of us ButterflyMoms in the comment section below. Let’s see what we discover about ourselves and each other. Once we get 11 people to share theirs I will share mine. Come ButterflyMoms, part of the process is SHARING and not hiding behind the web! 😉 Let’s have fun and move one of our biggest obstacles that do nothing but put each one of us OUT OF ALIGNMENT!

Here’s a wonderful quote for your week….write it down and post somewhere that inspires you!

“If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.”
― Win Borden



Great big hugs,




  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Maria Salomao-Sch…. Maria Salomao-Sch… said: Check out today's ButterflyMoms blog…..FEED YOUR SOUL! It feels good! […]

  2. I’ll start us off Maria!

    When I accept and love myself and others fully in each moment, I will be living my dream life.

    Wish I could say I was truly there now, but I’m getting closer each day 🙂

    • Thanks for being the first one to go beautiful Debbie. For this exercise to be effective break down yours into at least two separate ones. Also give yourself at least 10 minutes to sit down and let the hidden ones come out too. It’s not just one obstacle. Sometimes they come in clusters. You brain is basically a computer and it will respond to what you ask of it. Ask it the two questions in this exercise and give it room for the information to come out. You will get MUCH better results that way! HERE WE GO!!!!

      • For me, my first response would point me continually toward living my dream life. I had fun coming up with some more too though!
        – Stop feeling I need to earn money and instead trust the universe that it will come without effort from doing the things I love to do anyway
        – Stop feeling a lack of a partner and instead trust the universe that either I’m meant to be single or that the wonderful man meant to be my partner will come when the time is right
        – Come up with a downpayment for a very cute, affordable house in North Berkeley
        – Love and accept myself fully so I can silence my self-doubting gremlin
        – Love and accept others fully so I can silence my guilt-inducing judgmental gremlin and really connect with people around me
        – Move home to be closer to family and dear friends
        – Keep keeping the “shoulds” at bay
        – Keep exploring and expressing my creativity sufficiently
        – Spend more time doing the things that really ignite my soul, especially dancing and acting

  3. Have enough money……..

  4. When I get better at living in the moment. Not looking ahead at all I feel that I need to do next (laundry, make dinner, work, clean, the list goes on….)

    When I finally get divorced…and I’m free of all of the paperwork and negativity associated with the process/experience…..BLAH….

  5. Thank you for being YOU – you are appreciated and loved beautiful Maria….XOXOXOXOXO (:

  6. When I get a new apartment.
    When I lose weight.
    When I make more friends here.
    When I get a boyfriend.
    When I get back to my writing.
    When I pay off my bills.
    When I can afford to travel.

    My list is an endless brick wall.

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